Thursday, April 8, 2021

Mulan (2020)


It was so nice to see all the Asian/Chinese people.  It went very smoothly.

The people were very nice.  A lot of good work was put into this.  It's like a touching base and nice as a remake.

As a half Chinese, I was really into it, and I hope for more to come.  I wish I could do something Asian.  I'm rarely around other Asians, just my mom growing up and when I was home from college a long time.

The girl who played Mulan was great, so cute!  She really put a lot into this.  It was so fun to get to see her acting.

The Chinese people really care a lot about culture and their traditions and superior ways.  They may be different, darker hair and lighter skin, but to each other they have a past and a history and have recollections that hold them together as a community.

(I have wondered about how I look and if I could look Chinese, but anyway my mom was Chinese-Indonesian, with influence of other cultures I think over 100s of years.  I like all cultures.   I kinda seem Chinese, maybe in a new way? in some ways.  We are all changing and get grouped to certain ends and interests, not always happy but trying to fix it.  I feel most people have a strange mold, though, like Europeans and that I experience living in the US my whole life, Down South.  So, I feel stuck with that, too.  I do want to move from the US, though.  I would like to do something Asian in the US, if possible.  However, I want to move to Germany for classical music and violin.  I like the orchestra a lot and chamber music.  I still like Asian things.  Germany tries to show interest in Asians, too.  I hope someday I can join an Asian community, like a martial arts place where I live, for example, though I'm going to move to a group home in the New Orleans area for now, and they have a college I'm enrolled to start in.  Also, I bet to be Asian you can share other cultures, as well, if you try hard and have the right things.  It is strange being mixed heritage but also rewarding in multiple ways, though yea it is something to not be all one culture, where being all Asian etc. might seem strong and attractive.)

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